Without you having to be a prisoner of your business or figuring it all out on your own.


Just for a minute, imagine what it would be like for your restaurant NOT to require constant input from you to get new customers...

You’re here because you’re a restaurant owner who’s sick of not realizing the true potential of your restaurant. It was supposed to create a good income and the life of your dreams. But instead, you’re stretched thin having to do all the work and not getting the results you want.

Yea, I get you.

You’re forced to wear all the hats at your restaurant. You work hard, you work a lot of hours and you are required to make everything work right. It’s not going to feel right to just… let go.

But that is exactly what you need to do to get the success you want.

Which Of These

Applies To Your Situation

Are you stuck doing everything and wearing all the hats at your restaurant including the marketing and you can't do it all effectively and want some real help both in-house and externally?


Do you have an in-house marketing team but you are not getting the results you want and have no idea why its not working and what you need to change to get better results?


Are you stuck having to rely on third party online ordering companies like GrubHub or UberEATS to get new customers because you do not have your own zero commission way to get orders online?


You are still using PDF menus and do not have a proper website for your restaurant because you feel you do not one because you're still doing 'good' in your opinion and do not need to change anything at all to get found?


Do you want to have more time away from your restaurant but you are afraid to take it because without you there everything falls apart? You are stuck being a prisoner of your restaurant.


Are you sick and tired of not making the revenue you know you could be making in your restaurant and want to make the changes necessary to reap all the benefits of owning a restaurant?


If you answer Yes to one or more of these circumstances, I have good news!

The good news is that you have the POWER to fix all those situations that you do not like and want to change.

The BETTER news is that you are in the right place to get the solution that will be able to attract your ideal customers and make it easy to get your best customer to shop with you again and again.

Are you ready?

I am Delano Wallace.

Having a powerful love for creating systems, and a strong passion for food, I created the Rebel Growth System™ that helps restaurant owners build a prosperous restaurant on autopilot. 

This allows restaurants to not only survive but prosper even in challenging times. Because the secret to success is to have a reliable and repeatable system that does the heavy lifting for you.

  1. Automate the sales process of your restaurant so you can have more time on your hands.
  2. Making more money than ever before.
  3. Bring balance back to your life so you can enjoy the benefits of the first two goals!

Discover What Your #1 Business Growth Blocker Is Today

Take this FREE 60 Sec Quiz and learn what is stopping you from unlocking your revenue potential and get a unique detailed report

Real Business Growth Depends on 2 Factors:


Customer Acquisition

You should never stop trying to acquire new customers for your business.


Customer Loyalty

Each new customer should be nurtured to be a lifetime customer that visits often and refers.

Want to add an extra $10k in Food Orders in 30 days?

Get Access To Our Free Training!


STEP 1: We Create A Two-Step Funnel That Attracts & Converts

Our proven landing page setup can get you a 40% plus conversion rate with an irresistible offer.

Then we turn your new subscribers into affiliates to go out and refer more subscribers in order to get some extra juicy rewards. We help you grow your customer base exponentially.

STEP 2: Automate Your Business Generating Campaign To Get Results

Set up your campaign to automatically follow up with your subscribers. You can reward them with the coupon right on their phones and remind them to use it before it expires.

After getting them to come in once, you can automatically send business generating messages to remind them to come in for of your offers and spend more when they visit.

STEP 3: Automate & Optimize Your Marketing System

You will have access to detailed information so you can see exactly how your campaigns are performing. That way you can know exactly what works without spending too much time looking for data.

You will also have us as your outsourced CMO so you can relax while we market your campaign driving a steady stream of traffic to your irresistible offer.

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Take our Repeat Business Quiz and find out if you're positioned for more repeat business.

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What Our Clients Say About Us

One quick point here.

If you’re one of those people who purchase systems and then do not make use of them, this is not for you...

We’re determined that every client who gets this system will transform their business into the business of their dreams.


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